Quantitative research with qualitative richness

Our online surveys elicit meaningful answers to open-ended questions, thereby adding insight and clarity to the overall results

We’re proud to reveal richer insights for these smart clients…

Put an end to dull data

People have plenty to say. Unfortunately, most online surveys don’t let you capture it. That’s why we do online surveys differently.

More empathetic survey design

More people respond in their own words

More meaningful insights

Intelligent application of quantitative data”

— David Preston, As the Crow Flies

“You get the richness of qualitative married with the robustness of numbers”

— Shomik Ray, Diageo

MRQual delivers tailored online surveys that reveal more rich and meaningful customer insights

Concept, Packaging and Comms testing

Pricing research

Brand research

Usage and attitude studies

Customer satisfaction research

Employee engagement research

3 steps to richer insights…

  • Design your survey

    We’ll tailor your questions to ensure your audience give quality responses

  • Distribute your survey

    Your tailored survey is distributed to the target audience

  • Discover your insights

    Once complete we’ll dive into the rich responses to reveal insights

The secret of quant research with a qual feel

7 easy ways to get more detailed customer responses from your online surveys

Photo by Katie Treadway on Unsplash